tirsdag den 4. oktober 2011

What about that London Design Week

A lot of interesting installations took place during London Design Week. Just to share a few of my favorites with you..

John Pawson - the father of minimalism - joined forces with Swarowski. At St Pauls Cathedral you can now enjoy something usually hidden from the public. That is the beautiful spiralling staircase leading the way to the upstairs library. Pawson has created a precision-made meniscus – the largest lens possible to manufacture. This is located at the bottom of the stairwell.

Another interesting installation is presented by the Finnish institute and designed by Aamu Song. It is the "Reddress" a colossal red dress. Composed of 550 metres of fabric, the dress is worn by a single performer but can accommodate up to 238 participants, and will host performances, discussions and other events.

Find your own favourite at www.londondesignfestival.com 

1 kommentar:

  1. Love the installation "Reddress"- wish it was mine!;-)
